Thank you to everyone who entered their wonderful photos in our weekly iPhone photography contest. The theme this week was “Leading Lines” and we had an amazing 560 entries. Using lines in your composition is a great way of leading the eye into the image, creating a sense of depth and drawing attention to the main subject. Here are my favorite iPhone photos that have been composed using leading lines.
Which one of these photos is your favorite? Please let everyone know in the comments!
How To Enter The Next Photo Contest
Last week we published a tutorial covering 10 tips for taking incredible iPhone photos of trees. The article covered tips for finding suitable trees to photograph, such as lone trees in a landscape.
The tutorial suggested techniques for improving composition, such as including a person in the scene to add a sense of scale, using branches in the foreground to frame the scene, creating symmetry, photographing fallen leaves on the ground, and even using trees as a background for portrait photos.
With tips for shooting trees in different seasons, and in different weather conditions such as mist and fog or on a sunny day with blue skies, this tutorial offers so many great photo opportunities for taking amazing iPhone photos of trees.
So the new contest theme is Trees & Leaves, and any iPhone photos of trees, or the leaves and blossom of trees, can be submitted.
To participate, simply tag your iPhone photos using IPSTrees&Leaves tag on EyeEm. You can tag photos in the description field when you upload them, or when you edit the description of a photo that has already been uploaded (tap the three dots icon to edit a photo).
All photos must be shot and edited on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Please upload photos to EyeEm in full resolution and without any watermarks to make sure we can feature them on the website. Please do not submit more than 10 photos each week.
The submission deadline is Monday, March 30 (results will be posted on Tuesday, March 31, rather than the usual Monday).
I liked many if them, but i think michal_koralewski’s picture is just AWSOME!!!
Thanks for selecting none of mines again, it really makes my day 🙂
Michal’s jump photo is great isn’t it. Those red lines draw your eye straight to the subject. And thanks for submitting your great photos too 🙂
Great selections Kate, I can see how tough it is! My favorite goes to @szymonslipko, the reflection is that cherry on top.
Thank you Andre – it certainly is a difficult (but enjoyable!) task.
Thank you for selecting mine among so many amazing and wonderful photos, I’m pretty excited!!! 😀 Congratulations to all participants!
My favorite goes to @michal_koralewski, fun shot! 🙂
Thanks for submitting your photos Grisel. I love Michal’s shot too – jumping subjects are one of my favorite things to photograph – so much fun!
Thank you for featuring me! I appreciate that so much.
I really like the darkness of @szymonslipko’s photo!
Thanks for entering the contest 🙂 Great use of contrast in @szymonslipko’s photo isn’t it?
Congrats to all
@michal_koralewski – cool pic!
I am honored to be one of the winners of last week’s Leading Line iPhone photography contest. Again and again thank you so much for your appreciation and support.
Thank you for submitting your great photos! Look forward to seeing many more in future contests 🙂
These are all so stunning and inspiring! I don’t think I can choose a favorite, but my husband and I really love the shots by @Cachorro12, @hanakai2001, and @michal_koralewski. Thanks for sharing!
Glad to hear these photos have inspired you 🙂
Thankyou for selecting one of mine! Always an honor to be recognized in this forum. @shodges36 is prob my favorite , I love the painterly style and beach fences are one of my favorite subjects. Congratulations to all!!