My iPhoneography journey started about two years ago when I came across iPhoneography tutorials by Justin Balog. It was through his tutorials that I learned to think of the iPhone as a creative tool and started paying attention to photo opportunities around me. Read More...
Review Of Matt Kemp’s iPhone Photography Pro Course
I recently had a chance to finish iPhone Photography Pro, a video course by professional photographer and iPhoneography expert Matt Kemp. In this review you’re going to find out what’s covered inside this course and what are the good and the bad things about it. Read More...
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Review Of Guy Yang’s iPhone Camera Essentials Course
I recently had a chance to go through iPhone Camera Essentials, a video course that teaches you how to take and edit great photos on your iPhone. This course is created by Guy Yang, a passionate iPhone photographer and technology expert from Paris. iPhone Camera Essentials promises to quickly turn your iPhone Photography into a fun and fulfilling passion. But does the course live up to this promise? Read this review to find out. Read More...
How Chet Davis Takes Great Photos With iPhone
I am very excited to interview Chet Davis, a fellow iPhone photographer and technology expert. Chet is the author of iPhone Photography Secrets, an iPhone photography video course that has been taken by almost 800 students worldwide. In this interview you are going to learn some of Chet’s best iPhone photography tips and techniques. Read More...
Review Of iPhone Photography Secrets Course By Chet Davis
It often amazes me that the entire iPhone photography community is just a few years old. It’s incredible how much has happened in these short years. From a few weirdos taking vintage-like photos it has grown to tens of millions of passionate iPhoneographers all over the world. While there is little doubt that iPhone photography is here to stay, it was still a surprise to me that someone would make an 87-lecture video course about taking photos with your iPhone. Yet this is exactly what technology expert Chet Davis has done. iPhone Photography Secrets is the first comprehensive iPhone photography course that teaches you everything you need to know about taking and editing stunning photos with your iPhone. Does iPhone Photography Secrets live up to its expectations? Read on to find out.Read More Read More...