Thank you to everyone who submitted such amazing photos in our weekly iPhone photography contest. The theme this week was “Reflections” and any iPhone photos containing reflections in water or other reflective surfaces could be submitted. With over 400 images to choose from it was very difficult to select just 30 winners, but here are my favorite iPhone reflection photos this week.
Which one of these photos is your favorite? Please let everyone know in the comments!
How to Enter the Next Photo Contest
Last week we published a tutorial teaching you how to use leading lines to create more powerful compositions.
Leading lines help to draw the viewer’s eye into the image, often towards the main subject. They also help to create depth and a perception of distance in the scene.
Straight lines that converge into the distance often create wonderful symmetrical compositions. But leading lines don’t have to be straight – they can be curved, S-shaped or even a spiral.
So the new contest theme is Leading Lines, and any iPhone photos that contain leading lines in the composition can be submitted.
To participate, simply tag your iPhone photos using IPSLeadingLines tag on EyeEm. You can tag photos in the description field when you upload them, or when you edit the description of a photo that has already been uploaded (tap the three dots icon to edit a photo).
All photos must be shot and edited on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Please upload photos to EyeEm in full resolution and without any watermarks to make sure we can feature them on the website. Please do not submit more than 10 photos each week.
The submission deadline is Sunday, March 22.
Thanks Kate, very honoured
Thanks for entering your great reflection photos!
Thank you very much, Kate!
Thanks for entering your great photo Karolina. It’s amazing what you can capture in such a small puddle! 🙂
Great work everyone, congrats!
Hi Emil … I cant decide between Pro HDR X and VividHDR app for taking landscape photo. You have mentioned Pro HDR X in one of your article. Please suggest me
@ksearsdesign is my favorite. That pop of red is awesome!
The colors and symmetry in this photo are amazing aren’t they!
There are a few I really like: those entries from @nestorcolon7927, @milkydrop, @kubaqbas, @ettacox7 and @djmon1que – well done everyone!
Thanks for mentioning your favorites 🙂
Great photos..congrats to all. I am having hard time to decide a good HDR app. Please suggest me. Emil has suggested Pro HDR X in one of article. What abt VividHDR ?? . Thanks in advance
Hi Astha. VividHDR is well thought of but I prefer Pro HDR X because of the level of manual control you get over exposure, color, etc by using the sliders. The interface is very easy to use. Hope that helps.
Thanks a lot Kate. I have downloaded Pro HDR X and its great.
Glad you’re happy with it Astha. It’s a fantastic app for HDR.
Great refection shots! I am so inspired! Thank you so much for selecting and featuring my shot (@nashplateful) Kate and Emil!
Thanks for submitting your great photo Nashira. Wonderful symmetry to create a beautiful abstract image. I look forward to seeing more of your photos in future contests 🙂
Just fyi – I have tried on a few occasions to edit a photo (by tapping the three dots) already on my eyeEm feed and add the tag for the current contest, but it never works. As in, the photo never shows up on the current IPS board, despite the new tag. It seems to only work when the photo is uploaded onto eyeEm new. Unless I am missing some part of the process…? Beautiful reflection shots! I have so many favorites, I can’t decide!
Hi Paula. I can definitely see one of your photos in the IPSReflections group of images – a beach scene with a person wearing a red t-shirt. It says this photo was uploaded 2 months ago so this must be one that you’ve tagged after uploading. So it looks like it has worked 🙂
So honored to have had my photo chosen along with these other great photos!
Thank you for entering your wonderful reflection photo Christy 🙂
This is the best gift I have received for my birthday. Thank you so much for the appreciation. I am honored to be part of the winners for this week.
Happy birthday! Hope to see more of your great photos in future contests 🙂
Thank you Kate! 🙂