Do you struggle to find good subjects for your iPhone photos? Are you lacking inspiration and motivation to take pictures on a daily basis? Would it help if you were given a specific photo theme each day? Well, the new Mission: Pic app does just that, setting a different photo assignment every day. In this article you’ll learn more about the Mission: Pic app, and how it will motivate and inspire you to get more creative with your iPhone photography.
What Is Mission: Pic?
Mission: Pic is a new app designed to pit your photography skills against those of your friends and peers. In the meantime, you will gain daily experience shooting just about anything with your iPhone. The Mission: Pic app is free to download from the App Store.
Unlike Instagram or other photo-sharing apps, where the photographer has the freedom to shoot whatever they want, whenever they want, Mission: Pic gives every user a specific topic to shoot each day.
The mission theme could be something as vague as “pop” like it was above. Or the theme could be something slightly more specific like it was with “scene” a few days later. Obviously, you can interpret the theme however you want.
Using Mission: Pic will give you more experience shooting a huge variety of subjects. If you’re new to the world of iPhone photography, this app is sure to challenge you to become a better photographer, simply by giving you a great excuse to practice every day.
Even if you’re an experienced iPhone photographer, you may sometimes find yourself stuck in a creative rut. This app will help inspire you to start taking more photos again, and give you the boost you need to get back in the photography game.
If you’ve started a 365 photo challenge with the aim of taking and posting one photo every day for an entire year, this app will be great for giving you ideas for your daily photos.
Mission: Pic can also give you the opportunity to become involved in iPhone photography with friends. The best way to stick with a new hobby is to have people keep you accountable. A group of photographic friends will challenge you to stick with it.
How To Compete Against The World With Mission: Pic
While Mission: Pic isn’t really a competition, it certainly has a competitive aspect. When you post a photo, other users can “up-vote” or “down-vote” your image. The same goes for any photos your friends post. This is a great incentive for everyone to take the best possible photo for a theme.
Tapping the icon at the bottom left of the screen allows you to view the leaderboard for the day. This shows, from top to bottom, the best pictures of the current assignment.
From there, you can choose to view the overall leaderboard showing photos taken by users from all around the world, or you can view just the images posted by your friends.
When you want to view photos for all assignments, starting with the current one, tap on the second button from the left at the bottom of the screen. This displays the Roll which allows you to vote for quality photos that you feel fit the assignment.
Swipe up to “up-vote,” and down to “down-vote.” To pass, simply swipe to the left. Be careful not to accidentally skip some though – you can’t go backwards!
If you want to view the most current “hot” photos, tap the button to the right of the middle one (flame icon). Here, you can view which photos are being up-voted.
If you tap and hold down, you can see how many up-votes those photos have. Be sure to refresh often, as they change a lot.
When you’re ready to get started with uploading your own photo for a mission, simply tap the middle button. From there, you can choose to take a photo with the camera, or you can grab a photo from one of the albums in your photo library by tapping on the bottom left-hand button.
Once you choose a photo, Mission: Pic gives you some editing options. Here, I chose to use the VSCO editing tools before importing the image into the app. However, I did use the Illuminate feature under Enhance in the Mission: Pic app.
Once you’re ready to share, tap Done at the top of the screen. From there you can add your caption and submit your photo. You can also choose to share via Facebook or Twitter. Finally, go back to the Roll and up-vote your own photo. It’s not cheating… right?
Thanks for showing us this app Jake. I might take up the Mission: Pic challenge now that I’ve finished my 365 photo project! 🙂