I’m really excited to share the announcement of the winners of the 2014 Mobile Photography Awards. The Mobile Photography Awards is the largest competition for mobile photography and art with fantastic prizes and the chance to have your work exhibited. And this year Emil Pakarklis, founder of iPhone Photography School, had the honor of being on the jury for the Landscapes category. So let’s take a look at the amazing winning images!
Performing Arts 1st Place: Sinking Slumber by Sue Holland
Waterscapes 1st Place: August by Jayanta Jenkins
Street Photography 1st Place: Audra by Sheldon Serkin
Photo Journalism 1st Place: A Car Is On Fire – Talkha City, Egypt by Chaoyue Pan
Travel 1st Place: The Pulpit Rock – Norway by Atle Ronningen
People 1st Place: 7/11/2014 by Josh St. Germain
Portraits 1st Place: Dagger Queen by Helen Breznik
Nature & Wildlife 1st Place: Man O’War, Adventures Done by Andy Royston
Landscapes 1st Place: Sparring Elk In Wyoming by Stephanie Baker
Transportation 1st Place: DC-3 by Natarez Sanchez Rodriguez
Black & White 1st Place: Car by Joshua Auckenthaler
The Darkness 1st Place: The Loop by Sasa Prizmic
Architecture & Design 1st Place: Going Up by Eric Mueller
Digital Fine Art 1st Place: Stop by Sara Tune
Macro & Details: Estas Ahi? by Unai Momoitio
Self Portraits 1st Place: Self(ie) Evidence by Manuela Matos Monteiro
Still Life 1st Place: Dinner by Agnieszka Domanska
Food & Beverage 1st Place: Champagne Vs. Strawberry by Trevor Messersmith
Visual Fx 1st Place: New Chapter by Bobby Mcmurry
Huge congratulations to all the winners! These images just go to show that you can create truly incredible photographs and art with mobile phone cameras.
To find out more about the Mobile Photography Awards and the competition winners, visit the Mobile Photography Awards website where you’ll also be able to view other images that received Honorable Mentions in each category.
All amazing photos! Hard to choose one, but I really liked “The Pulpit”.
Thank you! It´s a fantastic location – go there if you have the chance 🙂
Me too Faye – it’s an amazing capture. Gives me vertigo though! 😉
I really like “Going up” and the black and white snow covered car!
There were great images in all categories but did not think that final winners in a majority of categories really reflected the best image in the category. I also think it incredibly unfair of this group to select 2-3 images in each category from the same artist – judges?? Pick the best and give others a chance – especially since people have to pay to enter.