Holding your own printed photograph in your hands is a special thing for a photographer. But in the digital world it rarely happens as most of our photos stay stored on our phone or computer, and sharing takes place over networks like Instagram and Flickr. Now with a photo printer for iPhone, such as the Prynt smartphone case, you can instantly print your iPhone photos on the go, just like a Polaroid camera.
What Is Prynt?
Prynt is an iPhone case that doubles as an instant photo printer. Now, anywhere you go, you can instantly print your images to share with other people, just like you would with an old Polaroid camera.
Prynt is currently in the process of a Kickstarter campaign to fund the manufacture of the case. There are still a couple of weeks left until the end of the campaign, but they’ve already received over $820,000 from around 5,000 backers.
This beats their initial funding goal of $50,000 by a long way. It looks like this accessory is going to be big in the world of mobile photography!
The Prynt case simply snaps onto your phone, connecting via the lightning connector. You can then use the Prynt app to instantly print any photos you take while the case is connected. You can also print photos that are already in the camera roll, as well as images from your Facebook or Instagram profile.
The Prynt app is being developed to also give you tools for enhancing your photos with filter and frames. The app will even tell you when you’re running low on paper, and allows you to order more paper directly via the app.
The case will be available for a variety of iOS and Android smartphones, including the iPhone 5 and 6 models. It comes in three colors: white and black, pink and white, and blue and black. A fourth color will be added if the Kickstarter funding reaches $1 million.
The case will be sold for $99 with 10 sheets of Prynt paper included. Extra paper can be purchased separately for $5 per pack of 10 sheets. The paper size is 2 x 3 inch and the printing is borderless.
You can also use the Prynt case to view “augmented reality” videos within your printed photos. To use the augmented reality features, you take a 5 to 10 second video before snapping the photo.
Then you print the photo and scan it with the Prynt app to view the original video overlaid on your photo that appears on the screen. While this might seem a bit gimmicky and may not be used by everyone, it’s pretty impressive technology.
Here’s a short video showing the augmented reality video in action:
The Benefits Of Prynt
For photographers, being able to instantly print and share your photos in a tangible way is extremely valuable and can change the way digital photographers look at “sharing” photos. There really isn’t a product out there that does what Prynt can do.
The App Store is full of apps that let you print pictures from iPhone. But none of them offer mobility in quite the same way as Prynt.
With Prynt, you can truly use your phone as an instant-print camera. Plus, with the augmented reality feature, you can share more than just a split-second of time with a short video.
Possibly the best features of Prynt are the complete independence it has from the need of other products. For example, ink isn’t needed as it’s built into the paper.
Wi-fi and bluetooth are also unnecessary as the case uses a built-in plug to hook up to your phone. And the case doesn’t drain your iPhone’s power because it has its own built-in battery.
You’ll notice a shutter button on top of the case which makes it look and feel more like a traditional camera. However, this button is just for show so you can’t actually use it to take photos.
The Prynt case is fairly slimline considering what you can do with it. It makes your phone into the size of a small compact camera so you could probably just about fit it in your pocket. It also allows you to attach a neck or wrist strap.
I can’t imagine that you’d want to carry your iPhone around in it all the time. However, if you want to be able to print your iPhone photos on the go, this case is definitely an option worth considering.
Where To Get The Prynt Case
While the Prynt case has already exceeded its Kickstarter funding goal, the campaign still has a couple of weeks left. To pledge your support and get in on the deals that are left (many have already sold out), visit the Prynt Kickstarter page.
Here you’ll find all you need to know about the Prynt case, as well as options for pre-ordering the item. You can also visit the Prynt website for more information.
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