Thank you all for submitting such incredible photos to our weekly iPhone photography contest. This week’s theme was “Symmetry” and any iPhone photos with a symmetrical composition could be submitted. We had a superb selection of entries, including many stunning images of architecture and reflections. As always it was difficult to select just 30 winners, but here are my favorite iPhone photos that show wonderful symmetry.
Which one of these photos is your favorite? Please let everyone know in the comments!
How to Enter the Next Photo Contest
This week we have a really exciting contest for you! We’ll soon be launching our brand new iPhone Photography School website, and we’d like to offer you the opportunity to have your own iPhone photos featured in our new website design.
So this week’s contest allows you to submit a selection of your very best iPhone photos with no particular theme. If your photo is selected, it will appear on our new site where it will be seen by millions of people!
For more details about how to enter the contest and how your photos will be used, click on the following link to visit the Get Your iPhone Photos Featured On Our New Website page.
The submission deadline is Sunday, June 28.
Yeiiii i didn’t get pick :2 how can i become a great photographer i have been taking pics for quite a while but compared to other people i still dont see im better
Just keep practicing Margarette, and try to learn something new every day. Read our tutorials, look at lots of photos by other people, and take lots and lots of photos. Don’t give up – I’m still learning and improving my techniques on a daily basis! 🙂
thank you kate 🙂 i will not give up 🙂
Nice picks Kate! My favorite goes to @seewell32 for the windowmetry action!
My favorites are @evelynesieber & RosaPerry
Oh goodness, as always, these pictures are amazing. I love the clean simplicity of @AimanGhazali’s shot, the interesting patterns in @mariofoppa’s, the tone and mood in @patryk_wikalinski’s, and the openness in @vollygda’s. Way to go, winners!
Another superb selection!