Thank you to everyone who entered images in our weekly iPhone photography contest. This week’s theme was “Rural Scenes” and we received nearly 500 entries, including many wonderful and evocative images of people, places, animals, and, of course, farm equipment. This selection includes a wide range of interpretations from the iconic to the unique. Well done and congratulations!
Leah Eddy
Agneta Andersson
Akanksha Kargwal
Amy Lynn
Claire Williamson
Dariusz Sobiecki
Deborah Coulthard
Ellen Nightingale
Evan Bardos
Farshad Bahramian
Fiona Grose
James Ballantyne
Lynne Garell
Judy Smith
Karsten Schoenberg
Kathy Dee
Liz Anderson
Lolly Kakumani
Marcos Losada
María Cristina González
Margaret Mayo
Nancy Sherman
Nidhi Singh
Paula Danner
Paula Lake
Zaw Latt
Which one of these photos is your favorite? Please let everyone know in the comments below!
How To Enter The Next Photo Contest
Summer is all about the beach.
But summer is also a great time to capture sunshine, dramatic weather, and hot, exciting colors.
For this week’s contest we’re going to focus on the theme of Summer, so any iPhone photos that express themes related to the season are welcome. Think beaches, heat, warm colors, cool breezes, and fun in the sun!
To participate, go to in your web browser and sign up or log in.
When you’ve signed in, go to the Upload tab and select Add Photos (you can submit up to 10 photos).
All photos must be shot and edited on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Images should not have watermarks.
The submission deadline is Monday, July 4th. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, July 5th. Winning images will also be featured on our iPhone Photography School Facebook page.
Thank you for including my photo of Earl the horse–I’m honored to be included with all these talented artists! I have a technical question: I have a hard time navigating to a place where I can see the current contest winners. From my phone and my desktop, when I click on “contest,” I see my own photos and I’m prompted to enter more, but I can’t find a way to see the winners of the latest contest. It seems like there should be separate pages: one for entering photos and viewing current contest submissions, and another one for viewing previous contests.
The “contest” tab takes you to the location where you can upload photos, but the very first post on the page includes all the contest winners for this week. Thanks so much for sharing your photos! Here’s the link:
Thanks for replying, Lisa Jo! I tried logging out and closing the browser window to start from scratch. I opened the ipps site and clicked on Contest. That took me to a page for the Summer photo contest; there are no photos showing. I logged in, and was taken to the Discover page with submissions for the Summer contest. There is nothing I can click on that takes me to the page with the Rural contest winners. The only way to get there is to click on the ipps icon (to return to the home page), and then click on Blog, and then scroll to find it; only THEN do I get the chance to click on the first post to see the rest of the winners. Today, of course, it’s the first post because it’s the newest. This seems like a cumbersome and unrewarding way to view each week’s winners. Just sayin’. I like participating, and there’s some wonderfully creative work here, but I think the site is hard to navigate.