Thank you to everyone who entered such amazing photos in our weekly iPhone photography contest. This week we asked you to submit your best iPhone photos for the chance of having them incorporated into our new website design. We had an incredible response with over 2000 photos submitted! This made it extremely difficult to select just 65 winning images, but here’s the final selection of fantastic iPhone photos that you may see on our new website in the near future.
Please note that it might not be possible to include all of these photos on the new website. The images selected for the final design will be chosen based on their suitability for each page and layout.
How to Enter the Next Photo Contest
We recently published a tutorial covering 10 tips for taking stunning iPhone photos of flowers. The article gives fantastic advice on how to improve your iPhone flower photography by using better light and composition.
It also covers techniques for indoor flower photography and shooting close-ups with a macro lens, as well as some great creative ideas.
We also published a tutorial covering 5 ways to enhance your iPhone photos of flowers using editing apps. From subtle adjustments to creative abstracts, this article shows you some fantastic ways to give your flower photos a new lease of life.
So the new contest theme is Flowers, and any iPhone photos of flowers can be submitted. To participate, simply tag your iPhone photos using IPS2015Flowers tag on EyeEm.
You can tag photos in the description field when you upload them, or when you edit the description of a photo that has already been uploaded (tap the three dots icon to edit a photo).
All photos must be shot and edited on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Please upload photos to EyeEm in full resolution and without any watermarks to make sure we can feature them on the website. Please do not submit more than 10 photos each week.
The submission deadline is Sunday, July 5.
sisme says
Congratulations all! Also to the judges for that selection 🙂 – beautiful pictures.
karin says
So happy and excited to learn that some of my iPhone macro photos were chosen. Thank you Emil and Kate! It’s an honour to be featured amongst these beautiful images from so many talented iPhone photographers! Congratulations everyone!
Kate Wesson says
Thank you for submitting your wonderful macro photos Karin 🙂
Marcin Stempień says
Thank you so much for selecting my photo! I’m so excited to see it on your new website 🙂
Kate Wesson says
Congratulations Marcin 🙂
remi says
thanks for all this !!!
Kate Wesson says
Congratulations Remi!
Israel Fernandes says
I am very happy to be part of that selection, it awakens in me a thirst for more mobile photography.
Kate Wesson says
Congratulations! So glad to hear that you’re inspired to continue with your iPhone photography 🙂
Thomas says
Congratulations to everyone!! Thank you Emil and Kate and all the IPS team. I’m so proud and thrilled to learn some of my black and white iPhone photos were chosen. It’s a honour and a privilege to be featured on your new website with some absolutely stunning images from some very talented iPhone photographers.
Kate Wesson says
Congratulations Thomas!
Thomas says
Thank you Kate!
Debra Carey says
Thank you so much for selecting my photo! I am honored.
Kate Wesson says
Congratulations Debra 🙂
prettythingsak (Katie) says
Wow, as usual, amazing photos selected for this week’s contest! I have to admit that I was walking on cloud nine all day- I felt exceptionally honored to be a part of this group. I have learned so much from this website and I can’t wait to continue to grow as an iphoneographer with the new website design and future tutorials. Thank you!
Kate Wesson says
Congratulations Katie! So glad to hear that our work is helping you in your iPhone photography journey. I look forward to seeing many more of your lovely photos in our future contests 🙂
Rosa Perry says
Thank you so much for selecting my photo Emil and Kate. I am truly honoured to be featured on your new website amongst very talented iPhoneographers. Thanks to the help of Emil, Kate and the rest of the team at iPhone Photography School I am discovering magic looking through the lens of my iPhone. This has been an amazing journey and one that has changed the way I view cameras and photography. Photography has always been a creative outlet for me as I use my photos to create art. This journey has transformed the way I treat my iPhone camera, with much more respect and now this camera is the main tool for my art use.
tracymg says
Thanks for selecting my portrait of “Randy” for the new site.
tracymg says
There was some concern/discussion @ giving photographers credit for the selected images for the new site – seems the best way to do this is to just re run this feature under a gallery tab on the new web site – call it “our web site or cover images” or something like that. Will you be selling advertising and do you have a media or press kit developed yet?