Thank you to all of those who took part in our weekly iPhone photography contest. The theme this week was “Square” and any square format iPhone photos could be submitted. We had almost 500 entries in this contest, and it was really interesting to see which type of compositions work well for square images. Here are my personal favorites this week.
Which one of these photos is your favorite? Please let everyone know in the comments!
How to Enter the Next Photo Contest
Last week we published a tutorial on how to take wonderful winter iPhone photos. The article included tips for shooting in snow, rain and fog, as well as capturing stunning long shadows and silhouettes when the sun is low in the sky.
So the new contest theme is Winter, and any iPhone photos with a winter theme can be submitted.
To participate, simply tag your iPhone photos using IPSWinter tag on EyeEm. You can tag photos in the description field when you upload them, or when you edit the description of a photo that has already been uploaded (tap the three dots icon to edit a photo).
All photos must be shot and edited on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Please upload photos to EyeEm in full resolution and without any watermarks to make sure we can feature them on the website. Please do not submit more than 10 photos each week.
The submission deadline is Sunday, February 1.
Thanks so much!:) Nice to see it after maths test haha:)
Thanks for the great photo. Hope the maths test went well! 🙂
Thank you! Congratulations everybody! I’m having a hard time picking a favorite but it if I have to I would choose between @desmondwang, @square_picture and @sillivja!
Thanks for submitting your great photo. It’s very hard to just pick one isn’t it! 🙂
Thanks a lot.: )
Congrats to the winners, my two favorites are @karolina_luszcz and @carlon_r. I won’t be participating this week, as I live in the Caribbean, we don’t have a winter
Thanks that you like my photo! 🙂
Enjoy the sunshine! 🙂
It’s a big honor to see my photo featured again. All those photos are extremely awesome ,But @matNowy ;@lensinkmitchel ;@ksearsdesign are the best for me .Congrats to all the winners.
Thanks for entering your great photo Desmond 🙂
Thank you!!!! Congratulations to everyone who was choosen and everyone who participated! cheers!
I am unable to use EyeEm – I continue to have problems accessing EyeEm – it keeps defaulting to a forced Facebook login – can you PLEASE add a Flickr and an Instagram option – beyond my inability to now participate in contests weekly, I am not a fan of EyeEm – am wanting to cut down on the number of sites I use – if you have a solution as to why I continue having this Facebook / EyeEm conflict, I would appreciate a solution – thanks
Unfortunately it’s not so easy. Due to logistical reasons all the photos have to be submitted at the same place, or otherwise the judging will take way too much time. Instagram would be great, but the photos there are stored in such a low resolution that they would’t look good on the website. That leaves EyeEm, which is the second most popular mobile photography network, as the best option.
Thanks for the reply – I still don’t have an answer as to why this suddenly has occurred – this problem started about 3 months ago – nothing changed on my phone – do you think you can interface with your EyeEm contacts and get me some answers? Thanks
Congrats everyone! Really loved all photos! Hard to choose the best. Good thing I’m not a judge on these things