iPhone Photography School has partnered up with Momentage photo sharing app to bring you a unique photo contest with great prizes. The three winners will get $20 App Store gift card and an awesome t-shirt from Momentage, while many more will be featured on iPhone Photography School and inside Momentage. Read this post to find out more.
What is Momentage?
Momentage, a community for the new creatives, is joining individuals from around the world through their mobile app where users combine photos, videos and SoundImages™ into a single post to create a vivid storytelling “Moment”. These Moments can be richly expressed through users being able to edit, add to and rearrange media with a unique style and inventive technique.
The community can share Moments publicly, with a customized group or keep privately for themselves. Users have more power over their privacy of each post with Momentage than with any other app. Momentage enables users to share their work with current followers as well as connect with new ones and receive positive comments. This new global community appreciates life’s most meaningful moments through an artistically designed series.
How can you participate?
1) Download Momentage app & sign up
2) Share a Moment with one photo and at least one more file (another photo, video or sound)
3) Tag you Moment using hashtag #IPS
It’s that simple!
The authors of my three favorite Moments will receive $20 App Store gift card and a cool t-shirt from Momentage. The winners (and many more great Moments) will be featured on iPhone Photography School and in Momentage app.
The submission deadline is Wednesday, February 26. The winners will be announced on iPhone Photography School by Friday, February 28.
You can find me and see my Moments by searching for “iphoneps” on Momentage.
Thanks Emil! This looks like an entertaining app – I will give it a go!
It is pretty cool, check it out!
Can you post as many entries as you want as long as you have the hashtag? Or is it just one entry per person? 🙂
You can post multiple entries, but please keep it within reason.
Haha! You got it.
Newbie and not an active photographer, so will be interesting to watch. Looking forward to the results!
It’s best if you not just watch, but also participate!
Hi Emil! It turns out my (@goh_amku) photos do not appear in the IPS hashtag, here’s the info from the support team:
“Thanks so much for sending in this feedback. We are currently working out this bug and are aware of your moments posted with this hashtag. We will keep you posted on our progress and appreciate your support!”… :/
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll see if there’s any way I can help.
There has been a short delay at announcing the winners, but the results will be announced soon. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.