Today I am very excited to be interviewing a fellow iPhone photographer Manel Bello, who is also known as papapol. Even though Manel refuses to call himself a photographer, his photos have repeatedly been featured on our iPhone photography contests. In this interview you’re going to learn more about Manel and his iPhoneography techniques. Read More...
iPhone Street Photography Tips From Richard Koci Hernandez
Richard Koci Hernandez is a national Emmy Award winning visual storyteller and one of the world’s leading iPhoneographers. In this interview you’re going to learn more about Richard’s creative process and his views on iPhone photography. Read More...
How @igasms Takes Great Photos With iPhone
This week I got a chance to interview @iGasms, a fellow iPhone photographer and Instagram user. His photos have been repeatedly featured in our iPhone photo contests, and he has often surprised me with his ability to create very unique compositions where one would least expect them. In this interview you will have a chance to learn more about the creative process behind @iGasms photos. Read More...
How @ryndesign Creates Great Photography With iPhone
This is the first interview in iPhone Photography School’s weekly interview series. @ryndesign is a passionate Instagramer and iPhone photographer. His photos have been featured on our iPhone photo contest. I’m very excited to have a chance to learn more about this talented iPhone photographer. Read More...