Thanks for participating in our weekly iPhoneography contest. This week only unedited photos could be submitted, and I took that rule very seriously. Here are my 30 favorites from this week that, to the best of my knowledge, have not been edited in any way.
Which one of these photos is your favorite? Please let everyone know in the comments!
How to Enter the Next Photo Contest
There are few things that parents love to photograph more than their children, and photography allows parents to create beautiful memories for years to come. But even if you don’t have any children, they still make incredible photography subjects, which is why I try to take photos of them as often as I can and why this week’s contest theme is children.
You don’t necessarily have to submit portraits of children – you can submit any photos were a child can be seen or where the theme of childhood is apparent. If you need any inspiration, check out my tips for taking great iPhone photos of children.
To participate, simply tag your photos using IPSChildren tag on EyeEm. You can tag photos in the description field when you upload them, or when you edit the description of a photo that has already been uploaded (tap the three dots icon to edit a photo).
All photos must be shot and edited on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Please upload photos to EyeEm in full resolution and without any watermarks to make sure I can feature them on the website. Please do not submit more than 10 photos each week.
The submission deadline is Sunday, May 11.
atsash says
Thanks so much for selecting my photo. I’ve had a serious case of “photographer’s block” lately but luckily there were some good puddles to work with this week:) This encourages me to just keep trying no matter what. Congratulations to everyone else. I absolutely love @goharadziszewska ‘s field photo and I’m so glad you selected it.
Emil Pakarklis says
Thanks, glad to hear the puddles helped you stay creative 🙂
Agueda says
Thank you, Emil for choosing my picture in this week¨s selection. @ carlon_r¨s picture is my favourite one, but I like most of them.
Emil Pakarklis says
Thanks! @carlon_r has submitted many great photos of that child over the past year, he’s slowly becoming and IPS celebrity 🙂
@carlon_r says
Wow thanks both, I really apreciated your comments. I have learned a lot from your blog Emil and I’m trying to follow all the rules and tips that you share with us.
@matnowy says
Hey Emil, can you expand your contest on android devices as well ? 🙂 It would be nice..
Emil Pakarklis says
Sorry, not at this time. Maybe in the future 🙂
mitchfishman5 says
no because androids have better cameras
Ardys Zoellner says
Yes, Carlon_r’s child photo will stay in my brain for a while. But all of the photos are nice, thank you for sharing and inspiring us! What is EyeEm? You say to upload photos to it, but I’ve not heard of it before.
Emil Pakarklis says
EyeEm is an app similar to Instagram, but in many ways better 🙂
Lazyskins says
I’d love to submit to your contests! What is EyeEm, and how do I upload to it? Are you on Instagram? Thanks!
Shaun (lazyskins)
Emil Pakarklis says
EyeEm is an app similar to Instagram, but more appropriate for organizing a contest like this. You can find me on Instagram @iPhonePS 🙂
Sergio says
hey there is there a contest this week? if so where is the link for the subject of the contest?
Emil Pakarklis says
Sorry, I had to skip one week due to extreme workload, but everything will be back to normal soon 🙂